Village Novitskovichi is located 8 km north-east of Kamenetz, Brest region, Belarus. It is upstream of the river “Lesnaya”
For the first time Novitskovichi (in those days it was called Klekovichi) was mentioned in the Charter of King Sigismund Augustus, the estate Klekovichi was given to nobleman Ostaf Vlasevich Novitsky on February 7, 1528. In the middle of the XIX century the village was a part of the estate Klekovichi, Dmitrovichskaya volost and belonged to the landlord Osip Yagolkovsky
If you look on Google map - in the eastern part of the village close to ponds you can see the trees planted in a geometric sequence. So it is - the form of a square, the north and east sides are bordered by large trees and the shoreline of the pond forms the south, the west side - "woody" part of the park.
L-shaped one-story building is in the north-east corner of the park. This is the former estate of the Valentinovichi. The brick building is whitewashed, has four-hipped roof and light windows. The building has a low porch "HANÁK" upper part of which is framed as a wooden veranda.
Exterior cornices of windows are very interesting, "jagged" corner pilasters, stepped top of walls, adorned with decorative consoles. The building has become L-shaped after one-storeyed building was attached to the square house.
An old mill built in eclectic style (with a special glam) is near the pond. The mill has the form of a two-storeyed building, the brickwork with stone fragments (in the walls of the first floor). The style of "brick-and-stone mix" without plastering was quite common in manorial estates. The bricks laying - a series of "stretcher" alternates with a series of "butting". The second floor is separated from the first by belt-curbs, the top and bottom rows are "stretcher" brickwork. The windows are completed with decorative cornices, the bottom window of the 2nd floor is decorated with panels. The entrance is singled out by two pilasters, making the building more expressive. All four sides of the corner pilasters are decorated with curly Vials
One-storeyed annex behind has the same style as the main building, the only differ is in masonry - "stretcher-butt". Date "1898" is laid out with baked clay above the tympanum of the gate of annex.